How would the Vegas ballpark's centerfield shot rate against all others in the league? As outlined in Part I , Las Vegas has a real opportunity to stand apart from the pack when it becomes a Major League Baseball city. The following grades are not for the ballpark as a whole, but strictly the view of its surroundings from a second-deck, day-game view. The goal was to standardize a perspective. The search was to find something as close to directly behind home plate that matched the above criterion. I also wanted a middle-tier ticket price; not the noseble eds, but not the comfy chairs that get seen on TV every pitch, either. This represented the average line of sight. The caveat is that the following images discredit the peripheral vision and capable legs most humans possess. The entirety of the in-person experience is unarguably cropped out of each photo. And I'll be the first to admit: Sitting at a few of these locations wouldn't take much more than a 30° turn o...